peterborough cathedral

peterborough cathedral

Folder: english cathedrals
f. 655 benedictine abbey 972 dissolved 1540 cathedral 1541

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 237
view of vaults at west end of c.1190=1200. the largest of these has a stiffleaf boss and must be the latest.

peterborough cathedral transept

28 Aug 2010 220
mid c12 norman arcading on the west face of the south transept, with c15 tracery in the windows

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 306
the apse of the church started in 1118 was later given enlarged windows in the early c14. the medallions with busts are from early in the c13; the apse was surrounded with the chapels of the new work around 1500 from when dates the ornate parapet and the buttress figures.

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 264
view of the c14 spire on the c13 west front from the east, showing the unfinished s.w.tower of c.1190

peterborough cathedral transept

28 Aug 2010 289
west face of north transept of 1150, with c15 windows

peterborough cathedral east end

28 Aug 2010 296
the view of the east end of the church takes in both the oldest work - the apse of 1118 - and the most recent- the new work of c.1490-1508

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 341
buttress figures of c.1508 at the east end against c13 roundels on the apse of 1118

peterborough cathedral apse

28 Aug 2010 306
the norman apse was started in 1118, given c13 roundels and c14 windows , and surrounded by the new work of c.1490-1508

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 264
eastern face of mid c12 north transept , showing scar of demolished lady chapel which opened to the transept through two big arches here blocked with a c19 door and windows. above are some original norman windows set in blank arcading, untouched by the c14 as covered by the chapel roof . the two windows right in the corner are of 1260-75.

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 302
apse of 1118 onwards, with roundels of the early c13, windows of the c14, and the new work of c1490-1508

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 309
the south transept was built in the mid c12, given poor tracery at the end of the c15

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 348
view of c18 gravestones to the north of the nave of 1150-75, which received new windows in the late c13 and early c14

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 290
view of north west transept with tower on top, which was to have fronted the cathedral before the idea of the giant porch came about. the transept marks the change from the norman to the gothic, and dates from 1175-90. the turret ending the later west front was completed by 1238, with a c14 spire , at which time the large window was cut into the transept.

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 324
unchanged mid c12 window on the gallery level of the north transept, long covered by the lady chapel roof.

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 286
the north side of the early c12 chancel , showing the remains of arches and a piscina from the chapel of st.thomas of 1298, which stood between chancel and lady chapel, and windows enlarged in the c13 and c14 to let in more light.

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 293
n.e.turret of north transept of c.1150

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 275
view from the east of the n.w.transept, where the norman nave changes to early english about 1180

peterborough cathedral gatehouse

28 Aug 2010 312
the outer gate from the current market place, which leads now into the cathedral precinct, was built c.1180 though altered c.1305. the norman work is singularly plain for its date.

251 items in total