Lake Elmenteita

Africa - Kenya

Folder: Africa


Morning Glory

15 Dec 2014 98
A species of Ipomoea I think?

Rock Hyrax

Aardvark burrow.


15 Dec 2014 114
These are old foraminiferous earth mines near Lake Elmenteita. They housed several hundred bats of at least two species, including Horseshoe Bats.

Horseshoe Bat

15 Dec 2014 93
Roosting in the foraminiferous earth mine. I'm not sure which of the 21 species known if Africa this is.

Yellow-winged Bat (Lavia frons)

15 Dec 2014 76
A medium-sized bat that can be found roosting in bushes.


Grevy's Zebra

Matching Zebra bums

Grevy's Zebra herd in Samburu

Burchell's Zebra


15 Dec 2014 149
A large species around 3 inches (8 cm) long

Whistling Thorn

15 Dec 2014 129
This species of Acacia forms hollow galls which are used by ants to nest in. The ants get to hunt on the tree and get a safe nest. They then sting any animals that try to eat the tree. Mutual benefits! It is called the whistling thorn because the wind makes a whistling noise when it blows across the holes in the galls/nests.

Safari Ant nest

15 Dec 2014 86
They clear away the vegetation from around the entrance to their underground nest. There are tracks radiating out from this along which are ants carrying seeds back to the nest. The brown stuff around the nest entrance are seed waiting to be taken underground.

Stick insect

Beehives in trees

Ant nests

15 Dec 2014 102
These are made of mud.

167 items in total