Addis Ababa street scene


Folder: Africa

Flowers in the Erar area

Rahya to Erar trek - Belinda, donkeymen and donkey…

Trek to Erar Community Guesthouse - donkeymen and…

Escarpment - Erar Community Guesthouse

30 Oct 2019 55
This guesthouse is in an amazing site. Really memorable.

View from the Erar Community Guesthouse

30 Oct 2019 35
There were endemic birds, Geladas and Rock Hyrax on the cliffs.

View from the Erar Community Guesthouse

Moth near Erar Community Guesthouse

30 Oct 2019 55
This was flying around in daylight near the building.

Weevil - found near the Guesthouse

Aloe - near the Erar Community Guesthouse

Aloe flowers - near the Erar Community Guesthouse

Aloe flowers - near the Erar Community Guesthouse

Skipper butterfly - near the Erar Community Guesth…

Hay rick - near the Erar Community Guesthouse

Hay rick - near the Erar Community Guesthouse

Family near the Erar Community Guesthouse

Aloe - and the Erar Community Guesthouse

Gelada - seen from near the Erar Community Guestho…

Sunset seen from the Erar Community Guesthouse

331 items in total