#26 - Mariagrazia Gaggero - Bottoni o faccette? - 1° 10points

2019/12 Plastic

#17 - Bergfex - Gone Off - 18° 2points

#7 - Mariagrazia Gaggero - Doremi Spray Park - Cos…

#18 - Adriana A - Untitled - 18° 2points

#33 - Leo W - 'Brandhorst Museum' in Munich - 18°…

#13 - Heidiho - Untitled - 23° 1point

#14 - Heidiho - Untitled - 23° 1point

#15 - Steve Paxton - ALMOST edible - 23° 1point

#19 - Adriana A - Untitled - 23° 1point

#22 - Mariagrazia Gaggero - Assalto a Saturno - 23…

#25 - Peter Castell - The next generation - 23° 1p…

#29 - franco benf - for all of you - 23° 1point

#31 - Agathe Beitz - Montreal Musee des Beaux Arts…

#35 - Wierd Folkersma - accident - 23° 1point

#4 - Daniela Brocca - Barcelona Google Geo User Su…

#9 - Paolo Tanino - 2 anni nello scivolo di plasti…

#10 - Petar Bojic - Untitled - 32° 0points

#23 - Petar Bojic - Toy shop on the wheels - 32° 0…

#24 - Wierd Folkersma - beside the sandbox - 32° 0…

40 items in total