Revenki's photos

Assaulted Battery

12 Mar 2021 45
Time to replace the battery on the old laptop. The bulging is much more impressive than the picture suggests. It actually pushed the keyboard out.

The Gold Experience

01 Feb 2021 2 56
Experimenting with a Sakura gold pen, with acrylic wash for color.

Questionable Child Seat

31 Jan 2021 49
"Trust me, anything that shuts them up while you're driving is worth it."

Questionable Pairings

17 Jan 2021 49
Amazon's algorithms get more addled by the day.

Day 20

31 Jul 2019 66
There's rarely anything to bother watching on the in-flight entertainment anymore. So, I doodle instead.

Day 20

31 Jul 2019 65
There's rarely anything to bother watching on the in-flight entertainment anymore. So, I doodle instead.

Day 20

31 Jul 2019 56
I got a good laugh from seeing this unexpectedly at the Minneapolis airport. He must be rolling in his grave.

Day 20

30 Jul 2019 62
Packing up the night before the return flight. All this and more had to fit into the two suitcases on the right. Somehow, it did.

Questionable Mural

30 Jul 2019 1 53
No idea what's going on here. But having read the story of Loki and Svaðilfari, let's just say I got a puerile chuckle out of this.

Questionable Bill-Postery

29 Jul 2019 54
On a shuttered cafe along Austurstraeti The Boomer vibe was palpable.

Day 19

29 Jul 2019 57

Day 19

29 Jul 2019 60
Emergency hut (aka "oasis").

9278 items in total