Candy makers music box

Christmas music boxes

Folder: Christmas
Christmas music boxes and other musical decorations which I have collected through the years.

Candy makers music box

Jumping jack music box

Plastic soldier music box

Revolving Christmas music box

Revolving Santa music box

Santa's workshop animated music box

29 Aug 2009 100
This is the one that started my collection of Christmas music boxes. I bought it at the Kmart years ago. It is still one of my favorites.

Christmas display

Christmas things

More Christmas

29 Aug 2009 83
Some of my music boxes and other stuff.

Nutcracker music box

29 Aug 2009 1 140
Animated, nutcracker turns

Rocking horse music box

29 Aug 2009 89
Horse rocks

Nativity music box

29 Aug 2009 95

Toy chest music box 2

29 Aug 2009 116
Can't remember think Santa rocks, will correct when I unpack it for Christmas.

Santa kissing Mrs Claus music box

29 Aug 2009 116
A revolving animated key wound music box.

Toy chest music box 1

29 Aug 2009 123
Animated, some toys move. Submitted for the April 2012 Monthly Scavenger Hunt Group assignment - In a Box See everyone's submissions in the assignment

Coca Cola bear animated music box

02 Sep 2009 170
The bear rocks, the plane tilts back and forth and the toy clown spins

Santa's post office animated music box

02 Sep 2009 221
The elves move and the tree lights up

Santa's House Music Box

02 Sep 2009 125
This is a highly animated Mr. Christmas music box. It plays a number of songs acoustically by means of a streaming punched roll.

83 items in total