
Flowers - All types

Folder: Flora

Shooting stars

11 Apr 2010 171
Growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama. (DSC08318)

Daisy fleabane

25 Apr 2010 174
Erigeron philadelphicus - growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08468)

Wild dwarf crested iris

25 Apr 2010 138
Growing wild on the bank of Big Wills Creek in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08493)

Wild geranium

25 Apr 2010 176
Cranesbill - Geranium maculatum - Growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08471)

Blue-eyed grass

25 Apr 2010 165
Sisyrinchium augustifolium - Growing in a field on my property in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08631)

Solomon's seal

25 Apr 2010 137
Polygonetum biflorium - Growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08690)

Wild Columbine

25 Apr 2010 141
Aquilegia canadensis - A volunteer in my flower garden in Etowah County Alabama (DSC08585)

Aberrant Wild Phlox Flower

25 Apr 2010 159
Not sure what kind of wild phlox, probably pilosa or divaricata ssp laphamii. This flower has six petals. A normal flower only has five. Growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08585)

Southern Jack-in-the-pulpit flower

26 Apr 2010 150
Arisaema triphyllum ssp quinatum - a five leaved Jack-in-the-pulpit growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama. (DSC08645)

Jack-in-the-pulpit (Southern)

24 Apr 2006 1 2 189
Arisaema triphyllum ssp quinatum - a five leaved Jack-in-the-pulpit growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama. (042406 40)

Southern Jack-in-the-pulpit

26 Apr 2010 147
Arisaema triphyllum ssp quinatum - a five leaved Jack-in-the-pulpit growing in my woods in Etowah County, Alabama. (DSC08635)

White flowers

14 Apr 2010 151
These are growing in profussion on the river bank in a flood plain in Etowah County Alabama. I do not know what they are but am fairly sure from the flower that they are in the mustard family. (DSC008078)

Golden ragwort

06 May 2010 138
Senecio aureus growing on my land in Etowah County, Alabama (DSC08806)

Swamp Rose Mallow

16 Jul 2010 166
Hibiscus moscheutos regarded by some as a race of H. palustrius. Taken in James D. Martin Wildlife Park, Gadsden, Alabama - a wetland that is part of the Coosa River watershed. (DSC09801)

Swamp Rose Mallow

16 Jul 2010 150
Hibiscus palustris. Taken in James D. Martin Wildlife Park, Gadsden, Alabama - a wetland that is part of the Coosa River watershed. (DSC09790)


16 Jul 2010 191
Trumpet vine flower. Also known as trumpet-creeper (Campis radicans).Taken in James D. Martin Wildlife Park, Gadsden, Alabama - a wetland that is part of the Coosa River watershed. (DSC09829)

Creeping Primrose-willow

22 Jul 2010 250
Jussiaea repens - Growing in James D. Martin Wildlife Park, Gadsden, Alabama, a wetland that is part of the Coosa River watershed. (DSC09865)

Fringed Gentian

04 Oct 2010 1 1 225
Growing in the Chiwaukee Prairie, Kenosha County, Wisconsin, near Lake Michigan. This 400 acre prairie has been untouched by plow and was designated an U.S. National Natural Landmark in 1973. It is considered the best coastal and ridge swale remaining in Wisconsin. It has been preserved by a joint effort of the Nature Conservancy and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. (DSC00995)

1085 items in total