Phallic Symbol

Majorca 1996

23 Nov 2008

78 visits

Phallic Symbol

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

56 visits

Lazy Days

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

86 visits

Rocky Majorcan Coastline #3

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

70 visits

Boat Trip

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

62 visits

Boats at Puerto Pollensa #2

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

48 visits

Sun and Sand at Puerto Pollensa

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

64 visits

Enjoying the Sun at C'an Picafort

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

81 visits

Boats at Puerto Pollensa #1

Scanned slide from 1996

23 Nov 2008

83 visits

Catering for the Brits #1

Scanned slide from 1996. One of the less attractive features of tourism on Majorca. What is the point of visiting other countries if you want everything to be as it is at home?...apart from the weather, of course.
29 items in total