Ice Tube clock - VFD tube

Ice Tube Clock

Folder: Electronics
Ice Tube Clock by Adafruit

Ice Tube clock - boost conv. 3

iIce Tube clock - boost conv. 4

Ice Tube clock - boost conv. 2

Ice Tube clock - VFD driver socket

Ice Tube clock - VFD driver socket

Ice Tube clock - VFD driver socket

Ice Tube clock - backup battery 1

25 Sep 2009 92
A small blob of solder, so the battery makes good contact with the PCB.

Ice Tube clock - all except VFD driver chip

Ice Tube clock - backup battery 5

Ice Tube clock - backup battery 2

Ice Tube clock - backup battery 4

25 Sep 2009 103
The diode must wait until the battery holder has been taken care of.

Ice Tube clock - VFD PCB

Ice Tube clock - VFD PCB

Ice Tube clock - VFD PCB attached

Ice Tube clock - VFD PCB

25 Sep 2009 106
The distance between the tube and the PCB must be adjusted, so it doesn't protrude through the acrylic on the other side. This is about the minimum distance without breaking any wires.

Ice Tube clock - mounted to base

Ice Tube clock - spacer nut

Ice Tube clock - boxing

26 Sep 2009 91
Adjusting the wires, so the tube fits well.

68 items in total