大青森's photos

Magenta enough to get sued?

18 May 2008 442
There are some companies who might consider this flower a trademark infringement. Well, bring it on. There are a lot of bushes to sue, here.

Green Spider

18 May 2008 331
This actually is the moment you think... *frelled* - why did I NOT take the macro with me?

Pine Cone - Different


13 May 2008 1 508
It's really hard to find one of these. If you have to: try your local pharma store. They sell them for hearing aids.

Rhododendron // Complete

Rhododendron // 1

Rhododendron // 0


09 May 2008 710
Taken with a 60cm diameter, 7200mm focal length cassegrain telescope (IIRC a reducer was applied), which a good friend kindly made accessible to me.


09 May 2008 713
The telescope which was used for this shot of M5 .

We are watching them, too.

09 May 2008 2 733
At least, we try our best. Observatory from the outside. (D300, 30"/ISO 3200 shot, untraced)


04 May 2008 2 753
After gathering some information , this seems to be a Xanthoria parietina (Gewöhnliche Gelbflechte, "common yellow lichen"). Doesn't look very common (gewöhnlich) to me. Maybe it's just a matter of perspective, again.

Take Cover!

You? Talking To Me?




1928 items in total