Saffron Walden (1)

Pentax LX, SF to Saffron Walden 2013

Folder: World Tour 2013
Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Saffron Walden (1)

09 May 2013 3 1 427
Pentax LX, Kodak Ektar 100, probably my SMC Pentax-M 85mm f/2.

Pyramid (3)

09 May 2013 3 732
Yet another photo of the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco. Pentax LX, Kodak Ektar 100, SMC Pentax-M 20mm f/4 lens.

Old bench

09 May 2013 573
I've tried to give this an old photo bleached out look. Pentax LX, SMC Pentax-M 20mm f/4 lens, Kodak Ektar 100 film.


09 May 2013 318
Not a good photograph, I just wanted to show our local show-off. He adopted the local chicken coup one day and now spring is here has his eye on the unsuspecting residents! Pentax LX, Kodak Ektar 100, SMC Pentax-M 85mm f/2 lens.

Wedding photographer

09 May 2013 1 602
Seen near Bethesda, Central Park, NYC. Pentax LX, Kodak Ektar 100, not certain which lens, probably my SMC 'K' 135mm f/2.5.

Many signs

15 Dec 2019 143
Seen in San Francisco.