Birds at Noviodunum


Birds at Noviodunum

14 Aug 2007 181
Flock of birds over Noviodunum

NAP08 4018

29 Aug 2008 116
Colour version

NAP08 4018 BW

29 Aug 2008 119
Black and white version

NAP08 2167

NAP08 2167 BW

NAP08 small finds bone handle BW

unusual tile detail 2 small

05 Sep 2008 129
Detail of the ?upper edge with the extra flange.

unusual tile detail 1 small

05 Sep 2008 125
Detail of the lower edge with the alternative "cutaway".

unusual tile small

14 Aug 2008 151
Overall shot of the tile

NAP08 1383

NAP08 1383 BW

NAP08 small finds bone handle copy

backfill small

danube shore-2-Edit small

13 Aug 2009 146
The Danube early in the morning


03 Sep 2009 209
Backfilling trench 1.


05 Sep 2008 172
Bone comb

NAP09 T1.7 end 1

27 Aug 2009 150
Trench 1.7 at the end of the 2009 season. The Byzantine period sunken featured building can be seen in the top half of the image.

NAP09 T1.7 end 2

27 Aug 2009 171
Trench 1.7 at the end of the 2009 season. The late Roman wall can be seen in the top right hand corner. Various other bits of late Roman wall can be seen under the Byzantine levels to the left.

20 items in total