M 8, open starcluster and nebulae

Messier objects

Folder: Astronomy

The open starclusters M46 and M47

03 Mar 2022 7 76
Canon 700D with f=85 mm lens. f/2.0 T=50x15 sec, ISO 1600

M35 in Gemini (view on black)

01 Mar 2022 10 3 93
An open starcluster is a collection of stars that were astronomically seen born at the same time. Stars are born with quite different masses and each star evolves according to its mass. The properties of the individual stars in a starcluster are used to study the evolution of stars in time. The study of open starclusters is also important for the establisment of the distance scale used in astronomy. Used 50 exposures, each f=360 mm, T=30 sec and ISO 3200

Orion and Ghost nebulae

27 Feb 2022 18 9 141
The inner part is overexposed.The PiP shows the inner part Canon 700D attached to 360 mm refractor. Combined ~100 exposures of each T=30 sec (Ttotal = 45 min.) and ISO 3200. Tracked by telescope mount

M31, the Andromeda Nebula

02 Nov 2021 28 18 165
Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=16x30 sec, ISO 3200 A spiral galaxy, similar in size to the Milkyway and in our vicinity

M31, Andromeda nebula (see on black)

02 Nov 2021 18 8 77
Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=16x30 sec, ISO 3200 A revised treatment of older exposures (the PiP shows a BW version). The enlargement is yet another treatment to show the centre. The centre of our neighbour harbours a black hole, so does our own Milkyway.

M 31 the Andromeda nebula

09 Sep 2021 24 13 152
Canon 700D with Tamron lens 70-200 mm. ISO 1600, f=85 mm, f/2,8 and T=20x15 sec. Tracking by small telescope. M31 is our neighbour and a galaxy like our "own".

M11 and neighbourhood

30 Jul 2021 15 2 109
Two left pictures (pos and neg) are 23 exposures. Canon 700D with Samyang lens (f=85mm, f/2, T=23x10 sec and ISO 1600) Right picture are 100 exposures combined. Each exposure is 5 sec with ISO 3200 and Canon 700D attached to telescope with f=750 mm and f/5. The left pictures are 10x15 degrees fields in the Milkyway. The brighter stars and the so-called Schild cloud are visible by naked eye. M11, the Wild Duck Cluster, is an open starcluster and possibly the nicest in the northern skies because of it's suroundings. (Don't ask why it is called Wild Duck)

Eagle nebula (M 16)

08 Jul 2021 13 5 105
Canon 700D in prime focus of small telescope, f=750 mm f/5, T=35x10 sec, ISO 3200 Have a look at the famous Hubble telescope picture of a detail this nebula en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillars_of_Creation#/media/File:Eagle_nebula_pillars.jpg

Eagle nebula and Omega nebula

08 Jul 2021 10 5 67
On the left: Canon EOS 700D with Samyang objectiv f/2,0 and f=85 mm. T=20x10 sec. ISO 1600 On the right a map made with aid of Stellarium A difficult region of the Milkyway to photograph because of short nights and the low height above the horizon.

Eagle and Omega nebula

08 Jul 2021 20 7 141
Just with a DSLR and tracking device. This is about as far south as I can get at a latitude of 52 degrees and only in the months july and august. Next year hopefully some telescopic pictures. See also Steve Paxton's excellent pictures of these two nice nebula. On the left: Canon EOS 700D with Samyang objectiv f/2,0 and f=85 mm. T=20x10 sec. ISO 1600. The field has a size of 10x15 degrees; (ie 20x30 moondiameters). It covers a nice part of the Milkyway On the right heavily cropped and seperately treated pictures of these nebula

Three open starclusters (M 11, IC 4756 and N 6633)

08 Jul 2021 12 5 74
Canon 700D with Samyang lens (f=85 mm. f/2 T=15 sec and ISO 1600). Tracked wirh smal telescope.The size is about 10 x 15 degrees, i.e. 20 x 30 moons). The map on the right is taken from "Deep sky Reiseatlas" M. Feiler and P Noack, Oculum Verlag

M 81 and M 82

08 Jun 2021 7 78
M81 and M82 are a well known interacting pair of galaxies Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm, f/5, ISO 3200, T=150x15 sec

M 108 and M 97

08 Jun 2021 11 1 77
Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm f/5, ISO 3200, T=100x15 sec. M97, the Owl Nebula, is a planetary nebula in "our" galaxy" at a distance of 1300 Lj. M108 (NGC3556) is a galaxy at 45 miljon Lj. and featured in my first scientific publication.

M33 revised

19 May 2021 10 1 76
A galxy belonging to the Local Group. Other members are the Milkyway and M31, the Andromeda nebula Canon 700D with Samyang f=85 mm, f/2,8, T=50x30 sec, ISO 1600, cropped

M51 field

15 May 2021 10 3 85
Alkahid is a bright star in Ursa Major Left: Samyang lens f=85 mm, f/2,0, ISO 1600, T=25x15 sec. Middle: same as left but negative to show details better Right: used telescope f=750 mm D=15 cm (i.e. f/5). T= 50x8 sec ISO 3200

Mars meets Plejades (view on black)

01 Mar 2021 15 6 127
Samyang Objektiv f=85 mm, f/2, T=1,1 sec, ISO=1600

Orion's sword

24 Feb 2021 20 3 105
Despite a hindering (almost) full Moon I could not resist the Orion Nebula. Combination of six exposures

112 items in total