klaus 040's photos

Weihnachten rückt näher! (2xPiP)

16 Dec 2023 8 8 57
Macro Mondays #340. am 18.12.2023 - Thema: Tannennadeln (hier Beleuchtung mit Taschenlampe)

In der Weihnachtsbäckerei gibt es storys nebenbei!…

01 Dec 2012 5 5 35
Mit Keksen kann man auch Geschichten erzählen! Am besten in gross ansehen: please press z and open the PiP Translation - In the beginning there was nothing. Everything was dark and empty! - The master of the universe is Dogu . He felt lonely. He said: "I'm going to create a world space in the universe!” He clapped his hands and there was a wild roaring ( big bang! ). - The world space was beautiful to look at, it had funny patterns around the periphery. But it was still cold, barren and empty! - Dogu said: "The world space is quite beautiful, but it's boring. I'm going to make myself a star." - And so it happened! - But over the millions of years, the star also became bored. He whined: "I want a playmate!” - Dogu had heard the star. He could understand him well, as he himself felt bored too. So in the course of time, other brothers joined the lonely star. - Apart from the stars, however, the universe was still completely empty, for it was huge! Then Dogu had an idea: he sent clouds… - The clouds were happy at first. But they couldn't play with the stars. And there was no one else who was interested in them. They got bored too! "We need something lively" they demanded. - Dogu knew what the clouds meant. He knew it from other universes. So he sent birds! - "Yes, great" and "More!" the clouds cried. And so Dogu started... - so Dogu created a forest - The birds rejoiced. This was just what they needed. But after a while they got bored too. And so Dogu had to go on and on.... - Now only one was missing: the human being - Dogu was very happy about the great new world! - And when nobody messed up, everything is still there today! Dogu is a powerful Yedi Knight from the post-Star Wars era. His teacher was Yoda, the head of the Jedi Council

HFF to all my friends and visitors here! (PiP)

18 Mar 2023 16 16 74
Teil des Zauns um eine ehemalige Villa an der Farchauer Mühle am Ratzeburger Küchensee Das PiP ist klickbar, um zu dem anderen Bild zu kommen

Am 7.12. hatten wir 12cm Schnee (3xPiP)...

07 Dec 2023 2 1 30
...eine Woche später ist alles weg! PiP3 zeigt die Christrose auf dem Weg in die volle Blüte.

Glühbirne, Halogenlampe, LED (PiP)

10 Dec 2023 16 6 48
Macro Mondays #339. am 11.12.2023 - Thema Leuchtmittel

Wie lange der wohl noch hält?

16 Sep 2023 11 6 50
Figur an der Strandstrasse in Wustrow/Darss

Wild Forest

23 Aug 2023 5 2 29
Dieses wilde Tier fand ich im Hamburger NSG Höltigbaum

Der Mann macht hier Pause - Die Frau geht derweil…

Klebt prima! (PiP)

03 Dec 2023 14 8 48
Macro Mondays #338. am 04.12..2023 - Thema: Klebeband Selbstgebastelter Planet? Hut?

Advent, Advent...

Ey, wer bist Du?

Baumlandschaften in Eis (2xPiP)

30 Nov 2023 11 4 42
Ich habe meine Regenwassertonne geleert, damit der Frost sie nicht platzen lässt. Die oberste Schicht war so tief gefroren, dass ich sie mit einem Hammer in Stücke schlagen musste. Ich habe mehr als 30 10L Gieskannen geschleppt und das Wasser in einen Gulli gekippt. In der Tonne fand ich Wunderwerke aus Eis, die an den Innenwänden gewachsen waren waren...

Der erste Winter-Schnee in Hamburg...

29 Nov 2023 11 7 42
...macht die Kinder aktiv! Den letzten Schnee gab es in Hamburg im März

Politische Klönbank (PiP)

10 Apr 2023 18 12 67
Hier die Übersetzung des PiP in andere Sprachen: en: “Bad candidates are elected by good citizens who do not vote". fr: "Les mauvais candidats sont élus par les bons citoyens qui ne vont pas voter". author: Thomas Jefferson

Sultaninen - immer lecker!

27 Nov 2023 3 6 34
Macro Mondays #337. am 27.11.2023 - Thema: Trockenfrüchte, Dörrobst

HFF to all my friends and visitors here!

Die Schnecke ist ziemlich langsam

Amaryllis (PiP)

2568 items in total