Pierre (my brother)

Folder: Menschen, Humans, Homo sapiens, ...
My younger brother (*1986). Has an Ipernity-account, too

Pierres Katze

Pierres Katze

20 Jan 2008 944
Scheinbar mitlerweile vom vielen knipsen leicht genervt.

Pierres Katze

Pierres Katze

Pierres Katze

Pierres Katze

Pierres Katze

Me with my brother Pierre

30 May 2008 1121
Look at my crazy shirt. Thought this was the only time ever I'd wear something like that. Or even wear any aloha-shirt. After the marriage of my mum and Pierres dad. January 1991

My brothers fighting with paper - rolls

30 May 2008 827
January 1991

Pierre smashing some dishes after the marriage

30 May 2008 831
January 1991

Pierre smashing some dishes after the marriage

30 May 2008 824
Great shoes, Pierre! ;-) (OK, my ones (you could see them in the background) aren't even cuter...). It was the time of neon - shoelaces. :-> January 1991

Pierre and mum

30 May 2008 850
My brother (5 yo) with mum, after the marriage. January 1991

Marriage - Photo with mum and Pierre (and his dad)

30 May 2008 2 765
...which I had to take so you couldn't see me. :> January 1991


09 May 2009 500
He has a new cam and is constantly taking photos of me now. Recently I realize how annoying it could be to be the subject of photographic interest. Sorry that I traced you the last years. ;-)

Pierre's boatjump at the playground

19 Jun 2009 1131
Sorry for the low quality. It wasn't my cam. (Wildpark Schwarze Berge)

Brothers birthday (the left one!) :o)

14 Jun 2009 547
At Juni 20th... (Wildpark Schwarze Berge)

Der Vater

02 Apr 2014 1 1 483
Das Brüderchen muss natürlich erst mal überall anrufen und erzählen, dass er Vater einer Tochter geworden ist. :o)

Stolze Eltern mit Tochter

02 Apr 2014 4 2 548
Familienglück eineinhalb Stunden nach der Geburt von Laura

108 items in total