Bank of bottles


Pictures of bottles; pictures that include bottles.

09 Sep 2021

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262 visits

Lancaster Amber

Daylight film exposed under 3000k tungsten light. Colour adjusted using Affinity Photo software. Zenza Bronica ETRS, 75mm f2.8 Zenzanon lens. Kodak Portra 160 film. Epson V750 flatbed scanner.

09 Sep 2021

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255 visits

Vin de France

Two 120 size negatives merged using Adobe Lightroom and Elements. Zenza Bronica ETRS, 75mm f2.8 Zenzanon lens, (14mm extension tube for the label picture). Kodak Portra 160 film. Epson V750 flatbed scanner.

31 Jul 2018

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182 visits

Tungsten beer

Belgian wheat beer, from the Lefebre brewery. Enjoyed with a meal in Keswick in the English Lake District.

14 Dec 2018

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316 visits

Round bottles and flat bottles

A curious effect: the front bottles have a three-dimensional look but the back ones look flat, almost like a picture. There is flat light at the back, obviously, but perhaps the small depth of field on the 150mm lens also contributed. (150mm on 6x4.5 = 100mm on 35mm film or full frame digital.) Ilford HP5+ film developed commercially in Kodak XTOL. Zenza Bronica ETRS camera with Zenzanon MC 150mm f3.5 lens. Epson Perfection V750 PRO scanner.

14 Dec 2018

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316 visits

A gathering of bottles

Decision to focus on the second row of bottles and the bottles pyramid questionable? Ilford HP5+ film developed commercially in Kodak XTOL. Zenza Bronica ETRS camera with Zenzanon EII 75mm f2.8 lens. Epson Perfection V750 PRO scanner.

14 Jan 2019

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333 visits

Bottles in a Basket

Ilford HP5+ film developed commercially in Kodak XTOL. Zenza Bronica ETRS camera with Zenzanon EII 75mm f2.8 lens. Epson Perfection V750 PRO scanner.

11 Feb 2019

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323 visits

Not one of the crowd

Ilford HP5+ film developed commercially in Kodak XTOL. Zenza Bronica ETRS camera with Zenzanon EII 75mm f2.8 lens. Epson Perfection V750 PRO scanner.

03 Mar 2019

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418 visits

Wine bottle with glass reflections

Ilford HP5+ film developed commercially in Kodak XTOL. Zenza Bronica ETRS camera with Zenzanon EII 75mm f2.8 lens. Epson Perfection V750 PRO scanner.

14 Dec 2018

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413 visits

Traces of a droplet of wine

Probably the smallest depth of field possible with this equipment: Zenza Bronica ETRS camera with Zenzanon EII 75mm f2.8 lens and 14mm extension tube; F2.8 aperture (lens fully open) and minimum focusing distance lens to subject. Ilford HP5+ film developed commercially in Kodak XTOL. Epson Perfection V750 PRO scanner.
109 items in total