Calopogon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid) whi…
Calopogon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid) whi…
Cleistesiopsis bifaria (Upland spreading pogonia o…
Calopogon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid) whi…
Calopogon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid) whi…
Calopogon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid) whi…
Calopogon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid) whi…
Platanthera lacera (Ragged fringed orchid)
Platanthera lacera (Ragged fringed orchid)
Platanthera lacera (Ragged fringed orchid)
Platanthera lacera (Ragged fringed orchid)
Platanthera lacera (Ragged fringed orchid)
Platanthera lacera (Ragged fringed orchid)
Aplectrum hyemale (Puttyroot orchid) seed capsules
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Aplectrum hyemale (Puttyroot orchid) seed capsules
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Gymnadeniopsis (Platanthera) clavellata (Little Gr…
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid)
Habenaria repens (Water-spider orchid)
Habenaria repens (Water-spider orchid)
Habenaria repens (Water-spider orchid)
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera conspicua (Southern white fringed orch…
Platanthera Xlueri (hybrid orchid between Yellow f…
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested fringed orchid)
Pteroglossaspis ecristata (Spiked Medusa orchid or…
Malaxis spicata (Florida adder's-mouth orchid)
Malaxis spicata (Florida adder's-mouth orchid)
Malaxis spicata (Florida adder's-mouth orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid) seed capsule…
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly orchid) seed capsule…
Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza (Autumn…
Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza (Autumn…
Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza (Autumn…
Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza (Autumn…
Cleistesiopsis bifaria (Upland spreading pogonia o…
Cleistesiopsis bifaria (Upland spreading pogonia o…
Cleistesiopsis bifaria (Upland spreading pogonia o…
Cleistesiopsis bifaria (Upland spreading pogonia o…
Caolopgon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid)
Cleistes bifaria (Small spreading pogonia orchid)
Caolopgon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid)
Caolopgon tuberosus (Common grass-pink orchid)
Pogonia ophioglossoides (Rose pogonia)
Calopogon pallidus (Pale grass-pink orchid)
Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-pink orchid)
Calopogon pallidus (Pale grass-pink orchid)
Pogonia ophioglossoides (Rose pogonia)
Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-pink orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid) co…
Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-pink orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid) --…
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid) no…
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant ladies'-tresses orchi…
Malaxis spicata (Florida adder's mouth orchid)
Goodyera pubescens (Downy Rattlesnake Plantain Orc…
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly Orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly Orchid)
Tipularia discolor (Crane-fly Orchid)
Goodyera pubescens (Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid)
Goodyera pubescens (Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid)
Goodyera pubescens (Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid)
Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid (Goodyera pubescens)
Goodyera pubescens (Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid)
Goodyera pubescens (Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid)
Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid (Goodyera pubescens)
Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid (Goodyera pubescens)
Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid (Goodyera pubescens)
Cypripedium pubescens (Yellow Lady's-slipper Orchi…
Cypripedium pubescens (Yellow Lady's-slipper Orchi…
Cypripedium pubescens (Yellow Lady's-slipper Orchi…
Cypripedium pubescens (Yellow Lady's-slipper Orchi…
Cypripedium pubescens (Yellow Lady's-slipper Orchi…
Aplectrum hyemale (Putty-root Orchid)
Aplectrum hyemale (Putty-root Orchid)
Aplectrum hyemale (Putty-root Orchid)
Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid) in…
Aplectrum hyemale (Putty Root Orchid) sending up a…
Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid) in…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant Ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant Ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant Ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant Ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant Ladies'-tresses orchi…
Spiranthes odorata (Fragrant Ladies'-tresses orchi…
Platanthera cristata (Crested Fringed Orchid)
Platanthera cristata (Crested Fringed Orchid) with…
Platanthera cristata (Crested Fringed Orchid)
Platanthera Xlueri (White Fringed Orchid hybrid wi…
Platanthera conspicua (White Fringed Orchid)
1/60 • f/8.0 • 200.0 mm • ISO 200 •
OLYMPUS 50-200mm Lens
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110 visits
Cleistesiopsis bifaria (Upland spreading pogonia orchid)
In the upstate of South Carolina (Greenville County), there are a number of Heritage Preserves whose sole reason for existing is to preserve rare wild plants or wild animals.
Recently, I discovered a small population of orchids in one of these preserves. I had not seen it in bloom at this locaton, but I had recognized the shape of the leaves. This orchid is Cleistesiopsis bifaria or Upland spreading pogonia orchid. I was excited to find this particular species, since the closest population I knew about was pretty far away from my home.
This year, I saw several plants in bud, and I knew I was going to be able to photograph it soon.
This species is a bit unusual, in that it grows in the mountain regions of the Carolinas as well as along the Atlantic Coastal Plain. On one of this year's Native Orchid Conference field trips, we were taken to a location in another upstate Heritage Preserve where, to my surprise, it was blooming there! I am certainly thankful that I live in such a richly diverse botanical area...
Recently, I discovered a small population of orchids in one of these preserves. I had not seen it in bloom at this locaton, but I had recognized the shape of the leaves. This orchid is Cleistesiopsis bifaria or Upland spreading pogonia orchid. I was excited to find this particular species, since the closest population I knew about was pretty far away from my home.
This year, I saw several plants in bud, and I knew I was going to be able to photograph it soon.
This species is a bit unusual, in that it grows in the mountain regions of the Carolinas as well as along the Atlantic Coastal Plain. On one of this year's Native Orchid Conference field trips, we were taken to a location in another upstate Heritage Preserve where, to my surprise, it was blooming there! I am certainly thankful that I live in such a richly diverse botanical area...
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