J. Gafarot's photos


12 Mar 2023 15 16 98
Happy First of May. Hope and Flowers to all my Friends.

Hello !

29 Apr 2023 10 8 72
Ovibeja, yesterday. How do you do ?

Good Morning

12 Mar 2023 10 9 71
New Spring Day to all of you. Welcome back Aschi.


30 Jun 2015 14 12 83
Azóia. Please enjoy this early Summertime. Happy weekend dear Friends and Visitors.

The Holy Family

11 Oct 2006 17 11 101
Gaudi. Barcelona


16 Apr 2023 14 13 139
One Happy Green Wall.

Man made


16 Apr 2023 21 37 166
It is peaceful and we will have one sunny Spring day...


Choco - Cuttlefish

21 Apr 2023 9 6 105
Cuttlefish are referred to as the “chameleons of the sea” due to their color-changing abilities. They can do this even though they are completely color blind. They can even successfully change color to match their surroundings in complete darkness. Cuttlefish are quite popular in Europe. For example, in northeast Italy, they are used in risotto al nero di seppia (risotto with cuttlefish ink), also found in Croatia and Montenegro as crni rižot (black risotto). Catalan cuisine, especially that of the coastal regions, uses cuttlefish and squid ink in a variety of tapas and dishes such as arròs negre. Breaded and deep-fried cuttlefish is a popular dish in Andalusia. In Portugal, cuttlefish is present in many popular dishes. Chocos com tinta (cuttlefish in black ink), for example, is grilled cuttlefish in a sauce of its own ink. Cuttlefish is also popular in the region of Setúbal, where it is served as deep-fried strips or in a variant of feijoada, with white beans. Black pasta is often made using cuttlefish ink.

My small sun



16 Apr 2023 13 8 95
Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. - George Bernard Shaw


16 Apr 2023 22 21 173
Good Morning my friends . . .


16 Apr 2023 11 5 86
Here it is again, today. Smile, please.



05 Apr 2023 18 14 119
A mammoth is any species of the extinct elephantid genus Mammuthus, one of the many genera that make up the order of trunked mammals called proboscideans. The various species of mammoth were commonly equipped with long, curved tusks. They lived from the Pliocene epoch (from around 5 million years ago) into the Holocene at about 4,000 years ago, In northern species, it has a covering of long hair.


04 Aug 2015 16 10 117
Yes, we can !

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