D Bannister, Isle of Luing.'s photos

IMG 1021 (2)


10-19-2008 022[1]


12-29-2009 002 (2)[1]

Mr Heath

2 march 2014

Mission golden-eyed tree frog

Blue iguana.

23 Sep 2013 106
Profile This beautiful dragon-like lizard, endemic to the island of Grand Cayman and on the brink of extinction only ten years ago, has become a symbol of great pride for the island’s people.

Blue iguana.

IMG 2677

Blue crane.

26 Sep 2013 107
The blue crane is the national bird of South Africa, but in many areas populations have declined by up to 90% in the last 30 years, and are continuing to drop. Poisoning, either accidental or deliberate, is a threat, along with the replacement of the grassland habitats it prefers with timber plantations.

Red Fodey.

26 Sep 2013 138
It is a common bird found in forest clearings, grasslands and cultivated areas. In Madagascar it is regarded as a pest to rice cultivation. It has been introduced to other areas of the Indian Ocean, included the Amirantes, Comoros, Seychelles, Mauritius and Réunion.

Blue Glossy Starling.

Ploughshare tortoise

31 Dec 2050 105
Known locally as 'angonoka', ploughshare tortoises are beautifully domed, big and slow moving reptiles... which is bad news for them, unfortunately. Young angonoka are brightly with coloured yellow and black/brown markings, and adults are a rich orange-brown colour. They take their name from the 'battering ram' type extension, used for fighting, on the lower part of their shell.

67 items in total