Muck Fly - 2


Cardinal Beetle Portrait

18 Jul 2018 17 8 545
Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Cardinal Beetle

It's All About The Eyes

Only In Your Worst Dreams

Nightmares Are Made Of This

22 Jul 2018 11 9 298
From the perspective of a fly. Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Ant Eye - Dedicated to micritter!!

24 Jul 2018 13 11 1217
A huge thanks goes to micritter for this one! . . . And many to follow. Micritter knows of my quest to find greater and greater magnification. He kindly sent me two microscope objectives, a 4x magnification and a 10x magnification. This is my first successful stack using the 10x objective. Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Silver Fish

24 Jul 2018 9 4 188
One of the hardest creatures that I have ever tried to photograph. Definitely not an easy task. Not an image that focus stacks well. Another image taken with micritter's lenses.

Silver Fish 2

24 Jul 2018 17 6 531
This little fellow is sitting on a steel rule. The steel rule is only 0.5mm thick. This gives an indication of the size of the Silver Fish. Taken with a 4x microscope objective. Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Weevil Eye

26 Jul 2018 7 4 257
Taken with a 10x microscope objective.

Weevil Portrait

26 Jul 2018 16 8 488
Taken with a 4x microscope objective. Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.


27 Jul 2018 23 12 334
Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Thunderbug 2

29 Jul 2018 7 4 242
photographed with 10x microscope objective. 80+ focus stacked images. Photographed on bathroom tissue.


29 Jul 2018 4 3 428
The scourge of summer. 70+ focus stacked images. Photographed on bathroom tissue.

Weevil - The Last In The Series

30 Jul 2018 22 8 202
The last in the series of weevil photo's. Best seen full screen on black. Similar to those posted previously but I thought this came out so well that I would share it anyway. Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

A New Beetle

05 Aug 2018 17 9 372
If anyone can id this beetle I would be grateful. Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Beetle - Side Profile

06 Aug 2018 19 11 554
Explored. Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Beetle Portrait

07 Aug 2018 8 9 224
Focus stacked image. 4x magnification microscope objective.

153 items in total