Violet Turaco (Explored)


22 Aug 2013

31 favorites


604 visits

Riding the surf (Explored)

Caballitos de totora at Huanchaco Beach, Peru. Fishermen in Peru have used caballitos de totora ("little reed horses) for over 3000 years, as can be determined by ancient pottery artwork. Caballitos de totora acquired their present name after the Spanish introduced horses in the 15th Century because the fishermen sit astride them, as if they were riding a horse. The nets, or a passenger, sits behind the fisherman. AIMG 1523

02 Oct 2006

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513 visits

Cityscape (Explored)

Back in 2006, a tethered helium balloon ride was offered on the Boston Common. The day I went, it was rather windy which kept the balloon spinning around and affording wonderful views of the city. I had a great time leaning over the side and taking photos, but my husband did not appreciate the spinning and vowed never to ride a balloon again. ABalloon Ride Sept.2006 011

02 Oct 2006

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551 visits

The Boston Public Garden (Explored)

Back in 2006, a tethered helium balloon ride was offered on the Boston Common. The day I went, it was rather windy which kept the balloon spinning around and affording wonderful views of the city. I had a great time leaning over the side and taking photos, but my husband did not appreciate the spinning and vowed never to ride a balloon again. The Boston Public Garden was dedicated in 1837 as the first public garden in the United States. The Sunday Challenge: Looking Down ABalloon Ride Sept.2006 001

05 Dec 2011

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585 visits

Cinderella Castle (Explored)

The Sunday Challenge: Either shoot something in a comics style or edit the picture to make it look like comics. Or do it in a pop-art style. Or just shoot anything that is familiar from cartoons: a Disney character, a toy etc. Or make a caricature out of something. I had an old shot of Cinderella Castle in Disney World that was obscured by people and a large street light. I posterized the edges, burned out the people and converted the street light into a moon. CIMG 0944

12 Apr 2015

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393 visits

Backlighting - literally (Explored)

Canada Goose AIMG 4888

12 Apr 2015

17 favorites


326 visits

In the land of plenty (Explored)

Squirrel. You can see his little tongue in this shot. Working on getting the hang of back lighting. AIMG 4903

12 Apr 2015

28 favorites


425 visits

Spring has sprung (Explored)

The Sunday Challenge: Backlighting AIMG 4913

23 Aug 2013

28 favorites


556 visits

A Pop of Red (Explored)

Male Vermilion Flycatcher amid the carob trees in Tucume, Peru AIMG 3660

19 Apr 2015

19 favorites


431 visits

Buddha (Explored)

Museum of Fine Arts - Boston - 8th Century Buddha from Thailand Taken for The Sunday Challenge: What's left? TSCIMG 4998
828 items in total