Curbar Edge panoramic

Froggat and Curbar Edges

Folder: Peak District
Photos taken on and near Froggat and Curbar Edges.

Froggatt Edge and its southerly extension, Curbar Edge, are located in the Eastern Edges area of the Peak District National Park, and just a few miles SW of Sheffield.

The northern end of Froggatt Edge has been partly quarried at Tumbling Hill and Hay Wood.

Well-beloved by climbers and walkers, these Edges offer splendid views over the Derwent …  (read more)

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06 Feb 2009

114 visits

Curbar Edge panoramic

Curbar Edge viewed from Eyam Moor. A panoramic view constructed from two portrait-style photos joined together using Canon's Photostitch software.

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05 Jun 2008

160 visits

Derwent valley skyscape

Evening sky over the Derwent valley and the Eastern Edges in the Peak District National Park. Viewed from Tumbling Hill quarry, Nether Padley.

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05 Jun 2008

158 visits

Grindleford skyscape

Evening sky over the lushness of Hay Wood and the village of Grindleford, in the Derwent valley, Derbyshire. Viewed from Tumbling Hill quarry, Nether Padley.

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05 Jun 2008

176 visits

Tumbling Hill evening

Evening sky over the Derwent valley and the Eastern Edges in the Peak District National Park. Viewed from Tumbling Hill quarry, Nether Padley.

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19 Mar 2008

133 visits

Hay Wood evening sentinels

Two young-ish oaks stand guard over the footpath at the northern end of Hay Wood, near Grindleford, Derbyshire.

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19 Mar 2008

140 visits

Hay Wood quarry cross bedding

I was intrigued by the colours and textures of the cross-bedding in the rock face of this abandoned quarry in the Chatsworth Grit (Namurian) at Hay Wood, above Nether Padley, Derbyshire.

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19 Mar 2008

129 visits

Hay Wood quarries

Late afternoon sun shines on one of the abandoned quarries in the Chatsworth Grit (Namurian) at Hay Wood, above Nether Padley, Derbyshire.

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19 Mar 2008

154 visits

Sun on Sir William

Late afternoon sunshine lights up the fields separated by the drystone walls on the eastern slopes of Sir William Hill near Grindleford, Derbyshire. I really liked the lighting and geometry of these Enclosure Acts walls and fields, and the textures of the bare trees. Viewed from Hay Wood quarries above Nether Padley.

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19 Mar 2008

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228 visits

Sunlit fields of Leam

I liked the lighting on these fields and the textures of the bare trees. This is a view towards Leam Farm and Leam Hall, on the north-east flank of Eyam Moor and Sir William Hill near Hathersage, in the Peak District, Derbyshire. Lose Hill and the Kinderscout plateau are visible in the far distance. The photo was taken from the old gritstone quarries above Nether Padley at Hay Wood, a northern continuation of Froggatt Edge.
17 items in total