Spurn north end view SW over the Spurn Neck


Photos taken at or near the coast.

Foamy stuff

03 Sep 2006 81
Surf at sunset, Dunwich, Suffolk coast.

Sunset surf

03 Sep 2006 110
Surf at sunset, Dunwich, Suffolk coast.

Tunnel wave at sunset

03 Sep 2006 104
Surf at sunset, Dunwich, Suffolk coast. Only little waves - you'd hardly notice them really, but I liked the tube they made.

Cumulonimbus over The Wash

22 Mar 2004 118
From Hunstanton, Norfolk, UK

Lower Greensand

22 Mar 2004 1 2 102
Textures in the Lower Greensand, exposed in the cliffs at Hunstanton, Norfolk, UK.

Hunstanton Red Cliffs

22 Mar 2004 3 2 286
Cliffs at Hunstanton, Norfolk, UK, illuminated by the late afternoon sun shining through shower clouds offshore. This is probably the best exposure of the Red Chalk in the UK. The top-to-bottom sequence is: Cenomanian (White) Chalk -- disconformity -- (~ 2 million year time gap) Hunstanton Formation ('Red Chalk') Carstone Formation ('Lower Greensand' - brown!)

636 items in total