Wishram WA freight Hood (#0450)


Folder: Other West
Photos from various trips in Washington state

Aberdeen WA US 12 bridge (#1361)

06 Aug 2016 191
Wishkah River Bridge in Aberdeen for westbound US 12, built in 1925, rehabilitated in 2003. The Wishkah river empties into the Chehalis River, which empties into Grays Harbor.

Aberdeen WA US 101 bridge (#1357)

06 Aug 2016 1 204
Chehalis River drawbridge for US 101 in Aberdeen.

Aberdeen WA railroad bridge (#1359)

06 Aug 2016 1 227
Closeup of the roller connection for opening the PSAP railroad bridge.

Aberdeen WA railroad bridge (#1354)

06 Aug 2016 1 194
The PSAP railroad bridge, seen from the other side. Note that the undercrossing is very low, just above my head on the far side. Given the tall bush on the river bank, it would appear that the bridge has been opened very few times in recent history. Not surprisingly given the large amount of abandoned industrial space in the immediate area, there appeared to be homeless encampments in this area.

Aberdeen WA railroad bridge (#1363)

06 Aug 2016 180
The bridge behind Breakwater Seafoods is used by the Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad (see adjacent pictures)

Aberdeen WA (#1352)

06 Aug 2016 210
Abandoned (gutted) Breakwater Seafoods building on the edge of downtown Aberdeen.

Aberdeen WA artists' alley (#1348)

06 Aug 2016 5 161
Small and almost hidden, a dramatic portrayal of a prisoner, painted on a recessed grill that is surrounded by tree branches.

Aberdeen WA artists' alley (#1347)

06 Aug 2016 4 256
Alice and the cat....

Aberdeen WA artists' alley (#1346)

06 Aug 2016 188
“And yet, beauty remains” (at the top) Lots of interesting material in this mix. I couldn’t find any reference as to the meaning of ‘accide’, but ‘hobone’ (at the bottom) means to have sexual relations with someone of a lower class (e.g., the hobo?). Then there’s the woman eating the mouse, and the decision sign for “church & pancake breakfast” or “hookers & black tar heroin”

Aberdeen WA artists' alley (#1345)

06 Aug 2016 2 168
"Dog Lives Matter Too" -- painted as a critque of Black Lives Matter? (see comments below)

Aberdeen WA artists' alley (#1349)

06 Aug 2016 1 2 188
In an alley in downtown Aberdeen, "Artists's Avenue". It was just luck to discover it, I saw no signs indicating its presence and could not find any information on the alley or its sponsorship.

Aberdeen WA (#1360)

06 Aug 2016 150
On the edge of downtown Aberdeen

Aberdeen WA (#1344)

06 Aug 2016 1 1 149
Just sitting in a parking lot, not part of a show -- a very nicely restored 1955 or 56 Ford Country Squire station wagon.

Aberdeen WA (#1343)

06 Aug 2016 164
On the left, the Becker building in Aberdeen, built in 1926 as a commercial office building.

Aberdeen WA D&R Theatre (#1342)

06 Aug 2016 245
D&R Theatre, built in 1923/24 as a vaudeville theatre, having gone through multiple remodelings, and now a performance space. There have been many modifications to the exterior, the marquee, and ticket booth, so it isn't clear how much this represents the original theater. Source: www.dandr.rocks/#!our-history/csxp

Hoquiam WA waterfront (#1340)

06 Aug 2016 265
Puget Sound and Pacific train at the transfer facility (see #1363).

Hoquiam WA waterfront (#1341)

06 Aug 2016 151
Looking further west from the viewing platform, on the left center of the picture in the distance is an active operation for log loading (per the sattellite view). The waterway here is the Chehalis River as it merges with the Hoquiam River and forms Grays Harbor.

Hoquiam WA waterfront (#1338)

06 Aug 2016 2 150
Looking west, an area that appears to have once been part of a port but to have been in decline for many years.

234 items in total