James E Hackett's photos

Auspicious building in Orlando

27 Jul 2014 2 183
This building is located off of I4 in Orlano FL. There's something about the way this building that is indescribably interesting. Maybe because it's in Orlando. I later found out that this is actually abandoned which I think is even more interesting. So called "Tanner Contracter" must have stopped the construction process for some reason. You can see concrete stair cases running all up inside it.


02 Jul 2014 6 2 201
Thought this was kind of an unusual corner with the long rod insulator in the middle. Actually, is it possible these insulators are older generation on-pole lightning arresters? National Grid used a ton of them.


02 Jul 2014 2 1 198
I always thought this was kind of a goofy sub tap off from a road side 115kv line. Located at West Ashley SC.


17 Jul 2014 2 211
SCEG doesn't seem to use slack span type poles using posts for deadends much on their 115kv lines but here's one. What caught my eye though is the oddball construction on the disturbution line with the fiberglass crossarms.

Lakeland FL Muni

27 Jul 2014 2 188
I've always loved this 230kv porcelain braced post line. If I've ever seen any poles like this rated for 345kv I'm sure this is exactly what they would look like. Utilities in Florida always seem to over build their stuff even inland.


26 Jul 2014 4 2 152
How's this for a bad un guyed deadend?


04 Jul 2014 3 1 169
Guyed Deadend using porcelain post insulators which in my opinion isn't the best method.

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