Sunset across the Minch 2

Fearnmore 2011

Folder: Holidays Scotland

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01 May 2011

148 visits

Torridon fire 8: Charred trees in Torridon

The fire didn't have a lot of strength, so was really just burning very dry material - note that only the bottom of these trees were caught. The full Torridon fire series can be found here .

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01 May 2011

150 visits

Torridon fire 9: After the fire passed through

Again, notice that there are areas the fire just didn't touch. The full Torridon fire series can be found here .

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02 May 2011

135 visits

Cuaig Beach

Scotland really does have some beautiful beaches. Shame its generally not warm enough to fully enjoy them! And how often can you take a photo like this without any clouds in it!

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02 May 2011

102 visits

Quite a mooring!

Looking from Camusteel (near Applecross) across the Inner Sound towards Raasay and Skye. Sometimes you just get lucky, and on this day I certainly did! Just turned a corner heading out of Camusteel en route to Toscaig and saw this. Jammed on the brakes and got camera out! Thanks to JWP for format comments. For a different perspective, have a look at this photo .

02 May 2011

1 favorite

125 visits


A submarine in the inner sound with 2 support vessels. Skye and Raasay seen in the background.

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02 May 2011

110 visits

Misty isles

This is a sight I saw one day looking across the Inner Sound to Skye (at the back), Raasay (front left) and Rona (front right). The sea fog was obscuring everything apart from the silhouettes of the islands. And the scene really did have this blue tint to it.

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02 May 2011

89 visits

Sunset across the Minch

The hills to the right of the sun are on the Isle of Harris.

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03 May 2011

151 visits

Inveralligin to Diabaig circular walk (1)

This is photo 1 from a series of photos taken on a walk done from Inveralligin to Diabaig and back (by a different route). Looking south towards the Alligin area and Loch Torridon beyond. We came up the path on the left rather than the road - shorter but steeper!

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03 May 2011

157 visits

Inveralligin to Diabaig circular walk (2)

Having passed through the Bealach na Gaoithe its all down hill to Diabaig. This is the view you get of Loch Diabaigas Airde.
28 items in total