Search through Coldwaterjohn's photos

  Publication date  /  2015  /  February   -   142 photos

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Reflections at Dusk

Would anyone like a chocolate?

Would anyone like a chocolate?

Would anyone like a chocolate?

So what is it?

Leigh FMT Pro Mortice and Tenon Jig in action

Sunny Spring morning..

(More) Evening Shadows - after a sun-filled, cloud…

Sure you'll have enough storage under that eight m…

Forres: An Ancient Wynd

An Ancient Wynd in Forres

An Acient Wynd in Forres

Beginning to take shape...

Orion The Hunter

Starry starry Night

Starry, starry Night

Despite these being a favourite flower, I can neve…

Dog heaven - early morning light through the trees

142 items in total