Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)'s photos

Sunshine and Orchids

Purple Lupine

11 May 2017 25 29 596
Filling the fields with merriment and joy, the lupine flower symbolizes happiness, and brings one the inner strength to recover from trauma. The lupine also brings the message that new opportunities are discovered when one finds the way to have a positive outlook.

Roses of Many Colors

Orange Radiance

24 Mar 2017 31 36 630
Calceolaria also called lady's purse, slipper flower and pocketbook flower or slipperwort.

Tulips in the Sun

Red Bottlebrush

22 Mar 2017 28 35 698
Callistemon - from the Greek, kallistos, most beautiful and stema, a stamen. Letting Go of the Past – Flowing with Change Resolving Mother issues Spiritual Meaning: Abundance, laughter, joy, the essence of the kookaburra. The flowers are used to celebrate birth and all that is new and sustaining. Indigenous people of Australia used the bottle brush flowers as a natural energy drink, ingeniously taking full advantage of their natural surroundings. Soaking the flowers in water essentially drinking all the natural goodness. The same method was used for the Banksia flowers. Bottle brush essential oil is used to harmonize a room or house bringing tranquil healing vibrations.

Shadows and Light

Shades of Orange

Inspiration for Spring

24 Mar 2017 35 38 917
While the daffodil’s primary symbolism is that of new beginnings, rebirth and the coming of spring, it has many others. Some of the most common meanings for the daffodil flower are: Creativity Inspiration Renewal and Vitality Awareness and Inner Reflection Memory Forgiveness It gains its name from the Greek god narcissus. According to legend, Narcissus was so enamored with his own reflection in the river that he drowned trying to capture his reflection. The daffodils growing along stream banks soon became associated with Narcissus and took on his name, probably due to the beauty of their reflected image in the water.

Orange Blossoms

Fall Panorama

Dramatic Silhouettes

Shades of Green

Happy Valentine's Day!

541 items in total