Droopy Vegetables

Around the house

29 May 2013

3 favorites


105 visits

Droopy Vegetables

just planted in my garden

12 Jul 2013

240 visits

Union Pacific R.R. metal box

It says "T.A.B. 1037". Unfortunately the lock was pried off at some point. I keep my garden railroad tools in it.

01 Aug 2013

159 visits


Used my Carl Zeiss Tele-Tessar 500m f/8 lens for the first time. Drawback is the razor thin depth of field.

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

187 visits

Hollyhocks in my alleyway

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss Planar CF T* 120/4, Fuji Velvia 50

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite


243 visits

Hollyhocks in my alleyway

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss Planar CF T* 120/4, Fuji Velvia 50

15 Dec 2013

2 favorites

227 visits

Backyard moonrise

12 Nov 2013

206 visits

Blue Rubber Christmas

10 Jun 2015

3 favorites

1 comment

236 visits

My lone daffodil

The only one that came up this year, I need to plant new bulbs.

15 Oct 2015

4 favorites


264 visits


In my garden Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss 80mm/f2.8, Fuji Velvia 50
22 items in total