At the workshop / progress photos


12 Mar 2016 2 1 210
Thanks to V for documenting!

unfinished painting


25 Jan 2016 4 184
It is a painting I already painted over with something else, because sometimes I don't make much sense



22 Dec 2015 1 1 177
This years I took part in 24H comic day, which aim is to produce 24 pages of comic in 24 hours. But as an visual artist, I made 24 A1 size ink paintings in the given time. I purposefully took the big format, to help me break into thinking in painting size instead of the tabletop-size I've been working for recent years, and it definitely paid off! Photo by Veterok


08 Oct 2015 1 3 228
Here I am, teaching a one-day course in toolmaking for to-be bookbinding joyrneymen. I am still flabbergasted that I was actually paid to teach somebody, fancy that! Photo by Veterok

Reprise version

11 Sep 2015 2 2 210
modelling alongside poster paintings Photo by Veterok


02 Jun 2015 2 1 201
Forging a four spoke wheel from a single bar of mild steel - explained with a helpful diagram.


31 May 2015 188
The angle grinder in the photo isn't mine (I keep the safety guards in!) but the fingers are.


31 May 2015 202
V. was a swift student and proceeded to weld this sign that says "ass". Here the teacher inspects.

table body enjoys the summer

welding art

71 items in total