
Paris - Brest - Paris: 2011

Folder: Bicycles, Rides and Riding

21 Aug 2011

116 visits

Japanese randonneuring fans at 2011 PBP start

21 Aug 2011

150 visits

Blank road card before 2011 PBP

11 Sep 2014

128 visits

2011 PBP direction sign. Arrow head is reflectorized. Most riders were dependent on the route signs, rather than turning instructions on a route sheet.

21 Aug 2011

138 visits

Motorcycle escort at the start of 2011, Gymnase des Droits de l’Homme, St. Quentin en Yvelines ​ Guyancourt

21 Aug 2011

113 visits

Starting line of 2011 Paris-Brest-Paris in Guyancourt. The 90 hour group was set of in waves separated by 15 minutes. Our group started at 8PM on August 21.

11 Sep 2014

122 visits

Outbound first day (August 21) on a highway whose westbound lanes were closed to motor vehicles a few miles from start. Overpass is filled with observors.

21 Aug 2011

179 visits

Twilight 1st day. Closed roadway. Foreground (L to R): Mark Thomas in yellow, Vince Muoneke in orange, Andy Speier in yellow, Alan Woods in orange. Midground (L to R): ?, Corey Thompson in yellow with red striped mud flap, Joe Platzner in yellow.


21 Aug 2011

135 visits

Sunset 1st day, August 21, at Jouars-Pontchartrain


21 Aug 2011

136 visits

Night time trail of tailights near Villaines-La-Juhel

147 items in total