
the neighborhood

Outside the house, miscellaneous flowers, nearby streets.


... by any other name...

01 Jun 2012 45
William Baffin climber, many flowers

summer, soon

a variety of clouds

15 Apr 2012 30
unsettled weather moving in

small landscape

what's left

15 Mar 2012 35
The weather is too nice today to stay indoors for long.

frost blossoms


06 Jan 2012 44
seeing what the new camera will do in certain lighting situations...

memory, illusion

not likely to ripen

06 Sep 2011 60
green, hard, barren

crabapples i

crabapples ii

Trying a new lens - 70-300 VR Nikkor

27 Aug 2011 38
Seeing what it does on distant views, full out - this is the farm across the road I take pictures of in the winter and spring, from the same distance. Quite a difference. BTW - it was overcast when this was taken, so in bright daylight it ought to do a bit better.

Trying a new lens - 70-300 VR Nikkor

27 Aug 2011 37
Seeing what it does on close things.

the tomatoes are slow this year

we went cycling this morning


summer evening ii

21 Jul 2011 38
taken without flash

268 items in total