O & C Frozen Food Pamphlet, c1935

Our Vegetable Love

All the green. yellow, and orange goodness you could ever want. From the 1930s to the 1950s

O & C Frozen Food Pamphlet, c1935

16 Feb 2011 107
A promotional fold-out published by Olney & Carpenter, Inc. of Wolcott, NY. I took a stab at the year, but as usual with the magic of "circa," I'm not exactly sure. I think "Frost Seald" as a term sounds better than the ubiquitious "fresh frozen" or "frozen fresh," though. And I love the notion of the New York Staters helpfully flying their goodies into the remote corners of the Arctic, as depicted on the back of the pamphlet. (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

O & C Frozen Food Pamphlet (2), c1935

16 Feb 2011 146
The redhead looks maybe a little too pleased, as she reminds us that our (not "Frost Seald") bacon should be served "crisp" at Tuesday's breakfast. Just in case we weren't aware. (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

O & C Frozen Food Pamphlet (3), c1935

16 Feb 2011 146
This fold-out menu helps peddle the wonders of "Frost Seald" to those slickers in the Big City. The actual recipes were on the flip side. (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

Green Giant Ad, 1957

27 Apr 2011 121
From the March issue of Everywoman's magazine. Likely Cupid was slated to appear in the February issue, but rejected the whole "pea shooter" thing as undignified. See the mostly-obscured face? Nope, definitely not the real Cupid.

Snow Crop Ad, c1955

29 May 2011 193
Oh, for the days when every box of frozen veggies came with a complementary pink satin ribbon!

Pictsweet Vegetable Ad, 1955

09 Jun 2011 120
[Obligatory joke about "husky-voiced" declarations of love goes here.] From the October issue of Western Family magazine.

Libby's Vegetables Ad, 1952

08 Jun 2011 104
Nice mystic eye effect in the middle there. From the October issue of Everywoman's magazine.

Invitation To Good Eating, 1942

14 Aug 2011 120
War rations are much more delicious if you doll 'em up! Front and back covers of a 26-page promo published by the Washburn-Wilson Seed Co. of Moscow, Idaho.

Invitation To Good Eating (2), 1942

14 Aug 2011 135
Why, I practically live on this soup and just look at my youthful complexion!

Invitation To Good Eating (3), 1942

14 Aug 2011 128
(L) Back during the Good War, it was okay to have Jane stand in for John while the latter was away smashing the axis. (R) In the Forties, Alaska was in Morocco and Idaho was in Chile.

Invitation To Good Eating (4), 1942

14 Aug 2011 126
I can't decide which meal to make tonight. Should it be the cute, creamy little Huts de la Legume or the Space Age Sausage Delight?

Invitation To Good Eating (5), 1942

14 Aug 2011 165
Don't forget breakfast: the most funereal meal of the day!

Invitation To Good Eating (6), 1942

15 Aug 2011 124
Each of the ladies keeps her eyes on her work, dreaming of the chance to make it big and get promoted to Legume Polishing! Woo!

Del Monte Peas Ad, c1959

20 Aug 2011 162
Welcome to the latest installment of "Throw Any Random Crap In A Big Dish And Call It 'Dinner'."

Great Northern Seed Co. Catalog, 1935

07 Feb 2012 176
Also featured pumpkins ("New Japanese Pie"), Potatoes ("Rural New Yorker No. 2"), Lettuce ("Early Prize Head"), and many others in glorious black and white!

Stokely-Van Camp's Canned Beans Ad, 1954

22 Feb 2012 126
A rare un-gelatinized/un-sticked view of both things that swam AND things that grew on vines. From the February issue of Everywoman's magazine.

Del Monte Peas Ad, 1953

16 Apr 2012 156
Let's face it: the only exciting thing about this meal is the groovy purple tablecloth. From the May issue of Better Living magazine.

Del Monte Green Beans Ad, c1958

18 Apr 2012 199
Nice Danish (or Swedish) Modern stylings, but there's nothing else to be done. They're still green beans from a can. Look upon my works, O Diners, and despair!

47 items in total