Better Homes & Gardens, 1938

Magazine Covers

From the supermarket checkouts (and the occasional car lot waiting room) of America, right to your monitor! Mostly from the 1950s.

Everywoman's, 1953

07 Aug 2012 1 2 156
The scary thing is, that steak only serves one. From the August issue.

Sunset, 1952

21 Aug 2012 126
Someone else had already raided this for clippings, so the world may never know where Oregon's "lost" corner is, or what photographer found it before I misplaced it again. Sorry. From the August issue.

Everywoman's, 1957

09 Sep 2012 171
It's a toss-up as to who looks more uncomfortable here. But at least nobody made them dye their hair to match. From the September issue.

Household, 1956

20 Dec 2012 130
The wreath-shoe combo on the door is obviously some kind of code. Something like: Dear Carolers, I can't abide "Sleigh Ride" and if you subject me to it, you'd best be prepared to walk home in the snow without all the protection you came with. Nowadays, you can preempt such awkwardness. Just put a huge flashing sleigh and musical note together in a circle, with a line through them. Display this prominently on your Facebook page between October 15th and January 5th. Everyone's happy. From the December issue.

Western Family, 1951

24 Dec 2012 112
Front cover of a promotional 44-page magazine. (Sorry, but there's no additional info in my copy about the mysterious "Kramer.") Dated December 6th.

Family Circle, 1953

26 Dec 2012 140
"Oh, Ricky, what a pity Don't you understand That every day's a rerun And the laughter's always canned?..." From the September issue.

Sunset, 1950

13 Apr 2013 122
"Landscape architect John H. Staley, Jr., of the firm of Osmundson and Staley, worked out the plan presented here. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Townsend of Oakland, California, contributed heart and hand to the project..." This morning, I was still running the furnace as I readied this for posting. (Like the climate wimp I am.) Bah! From the April issue.

Western Horseman, c1964

08 Apr 2013 113
Admit it. You can hear pedal steel playing in your head right now, just like I can.

Western Family, 1950

22 Oct 2017 302
I don't know why this sitcom never made it past the pilot. :p Maybe it debuted on Thanksgiving and got crushed in the ratings by all that ding-dang football. (Illustration by "Howay.")

Western Family, 1956

30 Nov 2012 214
"The magnificent, strutting turkey is King in this month of November as millions of us again celebrate Thanksgiving Day, the holiday uniquely and appropriately American. Buckley MacGurrin, who has provided two other WESTERN FAMILY covers (the nostalgic old-fashioned Valentine and the Nativity), painted this gorgeous gobbler from life, catchiing him in all his regal glory to give him a certain grandeur and immortality. Mr. MacGurrin's work is handled by the Dalzell Hatfield Galleries in Los Angeles." From the November issue (of course).

Harper's Bazaar, 1946

27 Feb 2018 1 205
From the September issue: "Leonor Fini's fantastic canvases depict with her own bizarre elegance things like shells, snails, butterflies, skulls and Gothic faces. Fini is from Trieste, loves cats and cakes, is now in Paris, where she painted the cover for this issue." Check out her tribute page . Great stuff.

Muscular Development, 1969

04 Jul 2018 138
I'd love to answer all your questions about toe touching safety. Alas, I don't have the rest of the magazine. :o From the August issue.

House & Home, 1961

09 Oct 2018 1 166
This was literally all the money you needed to own a house in full back then. (Ah, silver currency, how we miss you!)

Motor Magazine, 1964

18 Jan 2019 1 2 228
"Aretha Franklin drove this beauty to church every Sunday! Now what am I bid, Fellas'?"

American Artist,1951

30 Apr 2019 1 203
"Equestrienne" is the title. I'm sorry to also report that Henri was not in fact interviewed in the magazine. Typical art industry bait-and-switch. ;)

Parents' Magazine, September 1949

04 Sep 2019 1 4 228
It's 75 F out today, but she's just gotta' show off that back-to-school ensemble right now!

Western Family, 1951

11 Oct 2019 2 245
The artist's signature could be *Kramer*. But unfortunately there's nothing more specific about them inside. From the October 18th issue of Western Family .

Country Life, 1936

12 Nov 2019 1 2 247
After collecting his pay for this picture, Harry went wild buying a can of beans and a new pair of socks, before returning to his 4th-floor walk-up in Newark.

41 items in total