amylsacks' photos

Pictsweet Vegetable Ad, 1955

09 Jun 2011 125
[Obligatory joke about "husky-voiced" declarations of love goes here.] From the October issue of Western Family magazine.

Gilbey's Vodka Ad, 1964

09 Jun 2011 172
Looks like she's already had a few too many this festive holiday season. And just how many baby Muppets were sacrificed to provide that hat? From the December issue of Redbook (I think).

Czechoslovakia Shortwave Radio Card, 1969

01 Jun 2011 1 185
I have no idea what the young woman is holding in this picture. A very oddly-shaped picnic basket or carry-all? Some component of the motorcycle (which might technically be a moped anyway)? Anyone know? (Well, I got my answer. Scroll over to read.) From the Central Radio Club in Prague to Radio W7BDU in Portland, Oregon. (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

Japan Shortwave Radio Card, 1967

19 May 2011 2 178
Sent from Motomachi, Toyonaka-city, Osaka, Japan to Radio W7BDU in Portland, Oregon.

Pacific Telephone Ad, 1957

07 Jun 2011 120
Twin beds plus a collection of Mood Phones. Back then "The American Dream" really meant something, Kids. From the October issue of Everywoman's magazine.

Hills Brothers Coffee Ad, 1958

06 Jun 2011 145
Cream? Sugar? Life raft? From the May issue of Everywoman's magazine.

Armour Canned Meat Ad, 1955

06 Jun 2011 165
From the shape of that kid's nose, I gather that he has no sense of smell. Which would explain why he's so easy to cook for. From the October issue of Western Family.

Quaker Cereal Ad, 1959

06 Jun 2011 324
So is this the "feminine" version of wearing a lampshade on your head at cocktail parties? From the May issue of Everywoman's Family Circle.

Mercedes-Benz Automobile Ad, 1958

08 Jun 2011 1 112
Are the ladies all discussing which of them gets to drive Mr. Wonderful home tonight? From the March issue of Sunset magazine.

"New Recipes For Your Heart's Delight" (3), 1957

01 Jun 2011 1 143
The imagery on the right makes me wonder: Would Diet Delight have stuck around longer if its container had been given a nice tapered waist?

"New Recipes For Your Heart's Delight" (2), 1957

19 May 2011 1 127
"...None of these recipes are experiments..." Good to know. We all recall what happened to Bugs Bunny when he mixed radish juice and carrot juice, don't we?

"New Recipes For Your Heart's Delight", 1957

19 May 2011 1 182
I love these graphics. I hear the music from Rocky & Bullwinkle in my head every time I see them. Front and back covers from a 16-page promotional booklet published by Richmond-Chase Co., San Jose, California.

Meat Recipes (3), 1951/1952

04 Mar 2018 131
Yeah, the Jellied Smoked Tongue and the Liver Chow Mein do sound mighty good. Too bad I turned vegetarian about six or seven chapters ago.

Meat Recipes (2), 1951/1952

06 Jun 2011 139
I don't know what the green fog is supposed to represent. Existential dread? Valium? Nuclear fallout?

Meat Recipes, 1951/52

01 Jun 2011 147
"...for the Family 'Chef.' " Because it's not like you're really a skilled worker or anything, Sweetheart. Coochie-coo! Now be quiet and read along as best you can. The men have wisdom to impart! Front cover and first page of a 40-page epic published by the National Live Stock and Meat Board, Chicago, Illinois.

Seagram's Seven Crown Ad, 1962

06 Jun 2011 155
Tomorrow, let's all try pouring booze on our breakfast fruit! Whadaya' say? From the March issue of Sports Afield.

Great Western American Vermouth Promo, c1940

05 Jun 2011 181
I don't feel very patriotic reading this. I only have one type of vermouth in the cupboard. Both sides of a leaflet published by Pleasant Valley Wine Co., Rheims, N.Y.

Carter's Layette Leaflet (2), c1955

05 Jun 2011 132
Diapenda & Nevabind-- ask your doctor about them-- Today!!

2572 items in total