p-purple patio lighter

Charlestown, RI, East Beach



Tree Shadows

31 Oct 2015 4 15 161
I decided to take route 1 - Post Road (those who live on East Coast of the US will know it as the road that originally went from Florida to Maine) to navigate between Connecticut and Rhode Island. Saw this old graveyard with what I thought was a church but was a huge masoleum. It was too good to overlook so I went in. It was Halloween Day and I was a little nervous about being the only one there except for another couple and in my mind, who knew what they were doing. There was only one path around. I drove around looking at the graves. We are so lucky on the east coast as the history of our country is rich around here. Interesting gravestones. However, there is something always a little erie about the shadows that emanate from the trees particular when there are gravestone on either side. I skeedadled out of there as soon as I saw the gate. tee hee.

Mystic, Connecticut




test-earrings wineglass

test-earrings glass

tsc previous challenge jewelry

02 Jan 2016 7 18 430
I like photographing small things and getting the bling look. Wish it was the real thing. That's the beauty of photography. You can hardly tell the difference.. Happy New Year to all. p.s. I added jewelry sparkles in Photoshop (topaz lights) to the earrings and bracelet. I hope subtly. There is a fine line to too subtle where it does show and too much. No matter how much I use a tripod or how much I light well, I can rarely, if ever, get the natural sparkles even though I can see it with naked eye. Anyone else?

test earrings bling1

test earrings bling2

test earrings bling3

test earrings bling3

Burning sage tsc creative

10 Jan 2016 6 15 300
Was out last night so didn't have time to do project. Just pulled a few things together...shapes really and wanted to get the smoke from the sage but didn't want to burn too much of it. Hope you can see smoke. My little take on a quick creative. Some have asked about the ritual of burning sage. Here it is. "The ritual burning of herbs and herbal resins is common to many cultures in the world. From the rich frankincense of the Church and the Middle Eastern bazaar, to the heady incenses of Asia, to the raw energy of brush burning in many native cultures—the purification of space through this modality is a global phenomenon and one you can benefit from highly. Burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing a person, group of people or space. While Native American sage burning is the most commonly recognized form of it today, it has nevertheless been a shared practice in other cultures too. From the ancient Celtic druids who used sage as a sacred herb alongside Oak Moss for burning as well as medicinal purposes, to the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon whose Palo Santo (sacred wood) sage burning ceremonies are still practiced to this day."

Practicing photographing jewelry

silver earrings

68 items in total