Dean Morley (mostly off)'s photos

29 Apr 2009

112 visits

Comma (Polygonia c-album) butterfly close up

I reared this butterfly at home, and I took this photo only about 30 minutes after it had emerged from its pupa.

20 Apr 2009

1 favorite

116 visits

Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) butterfly

Photographed in Newton, Suffolk, England.

24 Apr 2009

105 visits

Green Veined White (Pieris napi) butterfly

Photographed near Newton, Suffolk, England.

20 Apr 2009

2 favorites

190 visits

Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) butterfly

Taken in Newton, Suffolk, England, this Orange Tip is feeding on a Greater Stitchwort flower. This individual is a male, easily identifiable by the orange wingtips which the female lacks.

10 May 2009

117 visits

Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) butterfly

The Orange Tip is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful sights of spring in England. This is a female of the species;only the male has the familiar orange wingtips. This individual was photographed near Newton, Suffolk, England.

23 May 2009

91 visits

Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) butterfly

Photographed near Great Cornard in Suffolk, England, I love the pose of this beautiful Holly Blue!

04 Jun 2009

162 visits

Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa) caterpillar

I reared this larva at home, feeding it on willow, upon some of which this photo was taken.

31 May 2009

1 favorite

119 visits

Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) butterfly

Taken in Great Henny, England, on the Essex/Suffolk border.

25 May 2009

1 favorite

135 visits

Painted Lady (Cynthia cardui) butterfly

Taken in Newton, Suffolk, England when our area was literally swarming with these wonderful migrant butterflies. Shown here feeding on red clover.
8042 items in total