Silberrücken Kibo (Wilhelma)

Kibo (groß)

Folder: Menschenaffen / Apes

Kibo hängt ab (Wilhelma)

08 Jun 2008 102
This is Kibo, the silverback of the gorilla family at Wilhelma (Stuttgart, germany). He was born in 1990 and came to Stuttgart about seven years ago, with hardly any trace of silver in his dark fur. In Stuttgart, he met five grown-up females between 10 and 40 years. He grew into the leader's position rather fast, and in 2003/4, three of the ladies gave birth to a child. Kibo is a friendly person and a wonderful father. Watching him play with his children is great fun - just imagine a 150+kg gorilla running away from a three year old... :-) He knows me and my husband quite well now; once or twice he discovered my husband while I was still out of his sight, and he actually looked around for me! When he finally saw me, he smiled and returned to his normal occupation...

Kibo frühstückt (Wilhelma)

29 Sep 2008 56
Kibo frühstückt, und zwar Zwiebel und Fenchel(?). Und nicht irgendwo im Käfig - nein, er hat sein Essen geschnappt und hat sich so dicht wie möglich neben mich an die Scheibe gesetzt, als ob er mir was abgeben wollte. :-D Und trotz genüßlichen Futterns guckt er genau, was ich treibe... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kibo at breakfast - he eats onions and fennel. And he decided to come as close to me as possible - as if he wanted to share his food with me. :-D And despite his interest in his food, he keeps an eye on me...

Kibo hängt wieder ab (Wilhelma)

11 Jan 2009 95
Daß dieser riesige Kerl auf den dünnen Schläuchen sitzen kann... That this huge fellow can sit on these thin hoses...

Zigarrentest? (Wilhelma)

Kibo frühstückt (Wilhelma)

Silberrücken Kibo (Wilhelma)

Kibo angelt (Wilhelma)

18 Aug 2009 70
Auf der anderen Seite der Scheibe sind SO leckere Blätter, und Kibo will sie unbedingt haben. Also versucht er, mit einem Stecken durch die Ritze zwischen Scheibe und Wand danach zu angeln... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO delicious leaves are there on the other side of the glass, and Kibo just want to have them. Therefore, he tries to get at them with a stick, poking through the gap between glass and wall.

Silberrücken Kibo (Wilhelma)

Gorillamann Kibo (Wilhelma)

Kibo (Wilhelma)

Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne (Wilhelma)

28 May 2010 117
Kibo und sein Sohn Meru genießen eine ausgiebige Rauferei. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kibo and his son Meru enjoy a hearty brawl. :-) .

Vater und Sohn (Wilhelma)

28 May 2010 93
Kibo und sein Sohn Meru genießen eine ausgiebige Rauferei. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kibo and his son Meru enjoy a hearty brawl. :-) .

Kibo (Wilhelma)

Kibo (Wilhelma)

Erbsenzähler? Rosinenpicker? (Wilhelma)

Papa Kibo - Wie der Vater, so der Sohn... (Wilhelm…

Kibo Kopfüber (Wilhelma)

Kibo (Wilhelma)

79 items in total