Vergessen? (Wilhelma)

Andere Vögel / Other Birds

Folder: Vögel / Birds

Maidtaube (Wilhelma)


Buchfink - war: Unbekannter Vogel

04 Mar 2017 119
I saw this bird in a park in Stuttgart, Germany. It is the size of a sparrow or chaffinch. In fact, this is a male chaffinch. :-)

Wie einst bei Noah... ;-)

07 Mar 2017 1 1 155
... also die Taube und der Regenbogen.


Reiher (Wilhelma)

Gefährlich... (Wilhelma)

Laß mich rein! (WIlhelma)

Gefährlich... (Wilhelma)

Einträchtiges Schmollen (Wilhelma)

Ein Gast auf unserem Balkon

Landender Reiher (Wilhelma)

Ins Nest gelinst (Wilhelma)

Explored - Hübsches Vögelchen

14 May 2017 1 2 240
2017-05-19: page 7, #8 on Explore :-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I saw this bird in Stuttgart (Germany). It's about the size of a sparrow, maybe a bit slimmer. I've checked Wikipedia, and I think it's a female Phoenicurus phoenicurus (or maybe Phoenicurus ochruros ). Someone at Flickr identified this bird as a female Phoenicurus ochruros . Thanks! :-)

Explored - Mönchsgrasmücke - Henne (Wilhelma)

10 Apr 2016 11 1 619
2017-05-30: page 1, #6 on Explore :-D

1209 items in total