The circle of life

Trees and plants

28 Jan 2009

73 visits

catkins by the stream

02 Feb 2009

93 visits

snow falling on hollies

02 Feb 2009

104 visits

snowy path across the sinking mud

02 Feb 2009

117 visits

stile to nowhere

This stile is in the middle of a field - you can walk all around it, but not over it.

03 Feb 2009

95 visits

It's snowing!

05 Feb 2009

112 visits

dangling catkins

06 Feb 2009

74 visits

road winding through snow

View on map

13 Feb 2009

122 visits

treecreeper creeping

This little visitor runs up and down the apple trees, picking off tasty bits and pieces

18 Feb 2009

159 visits

Rhubarb crumble-to-be

These weird little aliens will soon grow tall and then will be made into crumble and pies ....can't wait.
117 items in total