Candle & Books

Macro and focus Stacking

Close up work using a macro lens, extension tubes. With macro photography the depth of field is usually too shallow to get the whole image in focus. Focus stacking is a technique of combining several images, all with different focal points, to create one image with a greater depth of field which gives it an overall all round sharpness....

13 Jan 2019

71 visits

Candle & Books

I love this combination of books with the old fashioned candle holder. The books are poems by Thomas Hood dated 1876...

22 Feb 2019

1 comment

78 visits

Autumn Fruit

We're blessed to have a daily market where fresh fruit and vegetables are readily available...

22 Feb 2019

70 visits

J.W. Benson

Janice's great-grandfather's pocket watch. The firm of J.W. Benson was endorsed by an array of notables of the day, including the King of Siam, the King of Portugal, the King of Denmark, the Emperor of Japan, the Tsar of Russia and the King of Greece, JW Benson also supplied watches to Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales...