Leiden University Medical Centre

ROC Building ‘Level’

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands
Pictures of the new ROC building called Level, near the Leiden Central train station (or pictures of what was before).

Building work for the new ROC building

16 Jul 2010 133
Stichted from two pictures.

Two large cranes

10 Nov 2010 101
They had to bring other cranes to build these cranes.

Building work on the ROC in Leiden

Building work for the ROC building

Reaching in

New ROC building in the making

New ROC Building

New ROC building

Building work on the ROC Building

New ROC Building in the making

New ROC building in the making

Large crane

2012 Mercedes-Benz Actros

High crane


02 Apr 2013 82
Will be remodelled now that the Level building is finished

Taking apart

Bus stop


03 May 2013 112
In front of the Level building

42 items in total