Train journey to London: Flying wheels at The Hague HS station

London & UK - April/May 2008

Folder: United Kingdom – Mann – Ireland
Including pictures of the trip to and from London from the Netherlands. The trip to Cambridge and York have been put in their own sets as well.

Mercedes-Benz 280 SEL

London Victoria Station

28 Apr 2008 189
Plans to redevelop this area have failed so far, so the busses still stop in front of the station.

The Evening Standard supports Boris for Mayor of L…

28 Apr 2008 109
Boris on the road to success.

People with umbrellas be careful

28 Apr 2008 111
You might prick yourself in your leg.

Commuters arriving at London King's Cross

Central hall at London King's Cross

29 Apr 2008 84
In the Netherlands, people wait on the platform for their trains; here they wait in the hall.

Local train at York

The train that took me to York

29 Apr 2008 104
Nice and fast, Vmax 200 km/h

Station clock at York station

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: on…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: on…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: my…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: Th…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: dr…

29 Apr 2008 185
One of the largest non-articulated locomotives in the world. Used in China, made in Britain.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: st…

29 Apr 2008 113
One of the largest non-articulated locomotives in the world. Used in China, made in Britain.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: kn…

29 Apr 2008 107
One of the largest non-articulated locomotives in the world. Used in China, made in Britain. Nowadays things are usually the other way round: Made in China, used in Britain.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: wa…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: EM…

283 items in total