Local train at York

York 2008

Folder: United Kingdom – Mann – Ireland
A day trip to York from London

Local train at York

The train that took me to York

29 Apr 2008 104
Nice and fast, Vmax 200 km/h

Station clock at York station

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: on…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: on…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: my…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: Th…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: dr…

29 Apr 2008 185
One of the largest non-articulated locomotives in the world. Used in China, made in Britain.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: st…

29 Apr 2008 113
One of the largest non-articulated locomotives in the world. Used in China, made in Britain.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: kn…

29 Apr 2008 107
One of the largest non-articulated locomotives in the world. Used in China, made in Britain. Nowadays things are usually the other way round: Made in China, used in Britain.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: wa…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: EM…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: pr…

29 Apr 2008 117
Dates from 1972.

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: Th…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: Wa…

29 Apr 2008 2 179
Later number 33001

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: fi…

29 Apr 2008 92
Built in the 1930s

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: th…

A visit to the National Railway Museum in York: De…

56 items in total