Mount Grace Priory

Mount Grace Priory

Folder: Places
Mount Grace Priory is the best preserved Carthusian charterhouse in England. Founded in 1398 it was the last monastery to be established in Yorkshire before the Reformation. It was closed in 1539 during the dissolution of the monasteries.
The ruins of its guest-house were incorporated into two later houses, a 17th century manor and a larger house of 1900-01.
Photos taken in July 2011.

24 Jul 2011

66 visits

Manor House

Originally the monastic guest house, Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

76 visits


Showing the coat of arms of Archbishop Richard Scrope. Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

87 visits


In the garden, Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

86 visits


In the garden at Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

75 visits


In the garden at Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

85 visits


In the garden, Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England. July 2011.
15 items in total