Forum Romanorum

Ancient Rome

Folder: Roman Empire
Photos taken April 2006 and May 2019.

Trajan's Forum

Markets of Trajan

12 Apr 2006 69
2000 year old shopping mall.

Column of Marcus Aurelius

12 Apr 2006 82
Marcus Aurelius' column in Piazza Colonna. Off vertical as shown by the rope suspended from the top. This was caused by a number of earthquakes over the years.

Capitoline She-Wolf

11 Apr 2006 139
A copy of an Etruscan bronze from the 5th century BC which represents the mythical origins of Rome. Romulus and Remus were added much later. This one stands outside the Capitoline museums in Rome. The original is inside.

Dedication (Montecitorio Obelisk)

14 Apr 2006 689
Dedication at the bottom of the obelisk in the Piazza di Montecitorio in Rome. IMP CAES DIVI F AVGVSTVS PONTIFEX MAXIMUS IMP XII COS XI TRIB POT XIV AEGVPTO IN POTESTATEM POPVLI ROMANI REDACTA SOLI DONVM DEDIT (Imperator, Caesar, son of the deified Julius, Augustus, chief priest, proclaimed imperator for the twelfth time, consul for the eleventh time, holding tribunician power for the fourteenth time, having subdued Egypt to the power of the Roman people, gave this gift to the sun).


12 Apr 2006 104
Obelisk of Montecitorio - brought from Heliopolis by the Emperor Augustus, he used it as part of a large sundial set up in the Campus Martius in Rome.

Marcus Aurelius

13 Apr 2006 88
Copy of an equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius. The original is inside the Capitoline Museum.


13 Apr 2006 113
Situated in the Campidoglio this is a one half of a pair of statues of Castor and Pollux.


13 Apr 2006 87
Situated in the Campidoglio this is a one half of a pair of statues of Castor and Pollux.

Imperial Fora Project

Caesar's Forum

12 Apr 2006 77
The first of the Imperial Fora started by Julius Caesar.

Forum of Caesar

15 May 2019 1 43
Julius Caesar's Forum. The columns of the Temple of Venus Genetrix are left of centre. Rome, Italy.

Forum of Caesar

18 May 2019 29
The columns of the Temple of Venus Genetrix are on the right of the picture.

Mars Ultor

12 Apr 2006 123
The steps lead up to the temple of Mars Ultor (Mars the avenger) in the Forum of Augustus. Erected by Emperor Augustus to commemorate the defeat of Julius Caesar's assasins (including Brutus and Cassius) at Philippi in 42BC.

Forum of Nerva

12 Apr 2006 100
Detail from the Forum of Nerva, Rome. Initiated by Domitian but, after his death, was inaugurated by his successor, Nerva, who gave his own name to it. The Forum of Nerva is also known as the Transitional Forum, because it worked as an access way between the Temple of Peace and the Forum of Augustus. Rome, April 2006.

Mausoleum of Augustus

12 Apr 2006 103
The mausoleum of Emperor Augustus who died in August 14AD. His ashes were interred here, later also those of members of his family.

Ludus Magnus

18 May 2019 54
Gladiator training school. It had an underground passage leading directly into the Colosseum.

Ludus Magnus

18 May 2019 40
Gladiator training school. It had an underground passage leading directly into the Colosseum.

84 items in total