
Iglesias Españolas

Various trips to Spain - in progress. Places will include Seville, Salamanca, Cordoba, Toledo, Burgos, Leon, Astorga amd Avila.

09 Aug 2023

26 visits


Seville is notoriously hard to capture in one photo; this was my attempt. It's rather like trying to depict the Ngorongoro. b&w better focuses the texture & light and hence the depth and scale

15 Nov 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

12 visits

Salamanca Coro

19 Oct 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

9 visits

Salamanca Crucero

04 Nov 2016

1 comment

12 visits



06 Apr 2020

9 visits

Salamanca Nave

Elevated view - from western passageway

10 Aug 2023

9 visits

Toledo Cloister

10 Aug 2023

10 visits

Toledo West Front

10 Aug 2023

1 comment

11 visits

Toledo doorway

Within the cloister doorway to the staircase of Cardinal Tenorio, 1495 – Binski’s ‘port Gothic’ as per Kings Lynn, St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol Cathedral Lady Chapel