
Vedra (MMSI: 235107253)

Folder: Ships of Sunderland

03 Nov 2022

21 visits


The small ship Vedra off Greenwells Quay. I have not been able to find any further information on the purpose of this oddly constructed little ship. In this case it was briefly sailed out of the Hudson Dock before returning again.

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30 Nov 2022

19 visits


The mystery ship Vedra making another appearance in Sunderland harbour. This angle better shows the odd construction of the wheelhouse.

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15 Mar 2023

16 visits


Finally managed to get some better pictures of the small ship Vedra while it was working in the harbour. This picture also highlights the rather quirky construction with the 'step' in the middle of the cabin. PIP #1: A head on view of the Vedra.