
Breitformat 2022/2023/2024

30 May 2023

1 favorite

13 visits

am Bärensee (Bild gespiegelt)

"People work too hard to figure out the meaning of their lives. Why me, why now. The truth is, sometimes things don't happen to you for a reason. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time for someone else." (Jodi Picoult)

01 Apr 2023

11 visits

Frühjahrskonzert 2023

Musikverein Hirschzell

05 Mar 2023

10 visits

Classical Music

08 Feb 2023

10 visits


kleine Feierabendrunde, Bad Wörishofen

12 Nov 2022

18 visits

Bunter Abend 2022

erstes Konzert nach Corona-Pause

11 Nov 2022

1 favorite

17 visits

Your Drink into the Future

Candle Light Shopping

04 Oct 2022

38 visits


bei Lauchdorf

10 Sep 2022

2 favorites

25 visits


24 Aug 2022

13 visits

Biergarten am Hopfensee

digitale Bildbearbeitung mit GIMP
34 items in total