Marco im Winter

Im Laufe der Jahre / Through the Years / Au Cours des Années

Me, on the way home

10 Sep 2017 4 1 55
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

FR - Deauville - me, on the beach

16 Jun 2017 8 4 84
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

FR - Étretat - Am Strand

FR - Giverny - in Claude Monets Garten

DE - Remagen - me, at the Apollinaris trail

DE - Heimbach - me at Burg Hengebach

Swisttal - me, on New Year's Eve at Graf Belderbus…

31 Dec 2016 7 3 139
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho during New Year's Eve dinner at restaurant Graf Belderbusch (

DE - Ahrweiler - me, enjoying a Döppekooche at the…

09 Dec 2016 2 76
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

FR - Cap d’Agde - Urlaubsabschluss

23 Oct 2016 7 4 85
Eine überwiegend sonnige Woche endete etwas bewölkt und windig.

FR - Montpellier - Im Botanischen Garten

FR - Sète - me, high above the sea

21 Oct 2016 3 1 78
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

FR - Carcassonne - Ein Genießer im Land des Genuss…

FR - Saint-Jean-de-Fos - Auf dem Pont du Diable

FR - Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert - me, near the cascad…

19 Oct 2016 3 3 65
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

FR - St. Giulhem le Desert - me, taking a picture

19 Oct 2016 14 6 363
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

FR - Cap d’Agde - me, walking on the beach

18 Oct 2016 2 70
Picture taken by Mrs. Delminho

MT - Shoppen in Valletta

MT - Mdina - Im Fontanella Tea Garden

172 items in total